The Romance Of The Road....

The Romance of the Road....

It's a big country, this U.S. of A. High, wide and long, it sprawls up against the shores of two oceans. Tying this far-flung space together are the highways, rolling ribbons of concrete and asphalt that curl into every nook and cranny of this big land.

Aimed like arrows toward ever-new horizons, the highways stretch out to other places, other times and other ways. Wherever that road points the big trucks are rolling out there.

Wheels.... Rigs.... Trucks and truckers. The high-ballin' heavies that transform a strip of tarmac into a road paved with the gold of adventure. Like a piper, those big wagons rumble by with a magical tune whistling out of the slip-stream, playing a promise of new things to be discovered just around the bend.

It's the life of movin' on, hauling from sunup to sundown, from shore to shore, from cuppacoffee to cuppacoffee. There's a world to itself on the road, created by all those long stretches in between stops. It's a world filled with the whine of powerful diesel engines, the hum of mile after mile rolling under tall tires with an always-changing view through the windshield of a big rig.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

SPOTLIGHT: The Day I Met The Mobsled....

There are days in our lives that we never forget.... July 27, 2008 was one of those days. That was the day I came face-to-face with Chrome Shop Mafia's showpiece "The Mobsled."

I remember it vividly....

I was a monthly runner to California that year and on those occasions when the return trip took me across I-40 through Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana I would, at the request of another driver friend of mine, stop in Joplin to pick up a carton or two of cigarettes for his girlfriend (cigarettes in Missouri are wicked cheap!).

There were many truckstops at exit 4 on I-44 but on this day I chose the Pilot-And a good thing that I did. I'd grabbed my friends tobacco request and headed out to my truck. As I pulled out of the Pilot I looked about 1:00 o'clock and there it was directly across the street. Perched up high above the salvage yard, custom building shops and accessory store of 4-State Trucks and its counterpart, The Chrome Shop Mafia.

Up to that point I'd only heard of Chrome Shop Mafia and its (then) TV show "Trick My Truck" and had seen pictures of the sled in various trucking publications. I even knew they were located in Joplin but it just never clicked and I never made the connection.

Fortunately, I had my camera (as I always do) and I did click and click and more clicking to record the shots of the Mobsled you see in this post.

That was a great day.... A day to remember!

Though I make it a point to stop by 4 State Trucks whenever I pass through Mo., as I write this entry it's been a few years since I've seen the west coast, 4 State Trucks or the Mobsled. I'll get back out there in 2012 and even have the boyz do a little work on the train. Nonetheless, the memory of that day lives on within me and on this page.

The day I met the Mobsled....